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"Sometimes the best way to help the world is to make mistakes."
Our Story
Most memoirs are filled with that stuff Gramps use to call farm food or menorah. Or it comes from a famous person, who has no connection to your life. Again, more menorah. This memoir is different. It’s about being in jail not just figuratively, but actually. It’s about being an average person and watching everything you built for twenty years crumble in moments.
My Grandparents were an incredible part of our life. They were strong and helpful, until they weren’t. Life changes and we all become old. As I watched them get older, they taught me about taking pride in your life and your situation. They were amazing, elegant, and proud. Yet in the end they would fall at the drop a hat, forget what they were trying to say, and often have this lost look on their face. Their ending was tragic and my wife and I were caught in the whirlwind of craziness.

My Books
The Book
For years Will and Kay Young loved, cared for, and supported Will’s grandparents while raising young children and pursuing entrepreneurial ambitions. Then their lives turned upside down one cold, February day in 2011. A knock on their door was not an Amazon delivery, but something devastating—a police search. In moments, everything they had built for twenty years—businesses, reputations, friendships—crumbled.
Peppered with humor, Will and Kay’s adrenaline-charged and hellish ride through the legal system is the story of people doing their best to help loved ones. It’s also about being in jail—literally and figuratively—and how quickly the American dream can become a nightmare.
Available wherever books are sold

Media coverage About our story
Gram said, "Opinions are like butth...., everyone has one." Now this book is our chance to tell the true story, what really happened, and how we were put in an incredibly difficult situation.
You get to decide what you would do.
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